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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kanye West Responds To Bonnaroo Music Festival Fiasco

BallerStatus.com Reported today-- A week after being booed at the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival in Tennessee for getting on stage two hours late, Kanye West has finally blogged about the situation.

Via his official blog, West went off on an angry rant, calling the situation and reports the "worst insult I've ever had in my life" and he's the "maddest I ever will be."

According to Kanye, the lateness of him hitting the stage was not his fault at all, and instead was the cause of dealing with the organizers of Bonnaroo, who had been giving him troubles from the start.

"Bonnaroo should have released a statement in my defense, but since they haven't, let's break down the walls on this Truman Show and let you know what really occurred," West wrote on his blog. "For over a month, we went back and forth on whether or not we could even fit my stage at the festival. One day, they would say yes ... we'd send them our specs, they'd say ok. Then they would send [the] specs back that didn't fit the stage. We were obviously dealing with f***ing idiots, who didn't really have the capacity to really put on this show properly."

The Chicago rapper claims problems continued from there. He says he went back and forth on agreeing to a time slot, because he wanted it to be dark -- which his stage show calls for -- when he went on. They finally agreed.

However, the problems continued during the day of the show. Kanye says his team requested to load his stage 24 hours before he went on, but he wasn't allowed to until the act before, Pearl Jam, came off the stage.

Read the full story here: BallerStatus.com

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