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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Master P's Son Romeo Interview

Romeo, the son of No Limit Records founder Master P, has grown up before our eyes. At the young age of 11, he followed in his father's footsteps and became an entertainer ... introducing himself to the world with his first single, "My Baby." At that time, he was known as Lil Romeo.

Now, a little less than eight years later, he's dropped the "lil" from his name, reached the age of 18, and is about to graduate high school, with his entertainment career intact. Unlike other child prodigies, who were drawn into the dark side of the industry, Romeo stayed focused, not only in his career, but also in school. He did so well, he earned himself a college scholarship to USC, where he will play basketball in a Trojans uniform in the coming year.

With a bright future ahead of him, and strong positive values instilled in him under his father's tutelage, we caught up with the young rapper/actor/athlete to discuss his strong sense of setting a positive example to kids younger than him, growing up in the spotlight, and how watching Master P over the years has helped him be the smart, responsible man that he's grown into today.

BallerStatus.com: How about yourself? You had an injury from basketball, so how's that?

Romeo: I'm good. I'm 110% right now. My high school year, I had to make a decision, but my dad ended up making it for me. I had to sit out my whole regular season. That was the whole deal with that. I sat out the whole season, so I could be ready for college. I just didn't wanna take no chances because this only comes once in a lifetime. I just wanted to make sure I'd be ready to go.

It really taught me something too. Kids always think that basketball and sports is the only thing you can do, but it definitely made me realize how much more important my education really is. That's what really made me wanna pursue this and show the kids that everything is possible. If you have an education, then life beyond your education can go that much farther.

BallerStatus.com: You're only 18, but the way you talk is unique. You talk about wanting to set an example for younger kids and be a role model. Being so young, where does that come from?

Romeo: I definitely have to say the reason I think like that is because of my family. Just how my dad been doing this. What he's seen, he's constantly feeding me information. He always tells me to think about the bigger picture. That's what life is about. It's not about making the same mistakes as your friends or your parents. They are there to tell you and help you through it, kinda like your coach. And then, just having a big family and being the oldest of seven kids, that kind of just rubs off on me naturally. I'm just always trying to be responsible, be a role model, and be an inspiration to the kids. I have six younger siblings that look up to me since I came into the acting world, music world and basketball world.

BallerStatus.com: You and your dad (Master P) seem really tight. You guys are always doing music and business together.

Romeo: Yea, that's really like my brother. People don't know. (laughs) But nah, I'm actually blessed. Being in the environment I've been in growing up, kids are easily pushed away from their parents. Just to have my dad there, and he's already been through the business -- he was there 24-7 -- it definitely helped me and kept me level headed at the same time.


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