So Nelly fans you got something more to look forward to.
Now Ladies We want to ask you:
Is it all About Nelly Above the neck or below the neck?
Let us know....
Tatyana Ali is featured in the current issue of the “prestigious” King Magazine where she talks about being Black in Hollyweird and her new album:
What are your thoughts on black Hollywood?
It’s kind of like the Wild West out there, and not just for black Hollywood. In a traditional sense, things look bad—there are people out of work, shows aren’t going up and a lot of films aren’t being made, because of the fear of actors going on strike. But I think it’s a real fertile time to stake your claim. With things up in the air, it creates new space for people who are trying to break through, business-wise.The same can be said about the music business, yet you’re still dropping a new album.
I found my voice with this album, The Light. I can never stop singing. Remember, I recorded my first album [1998’s Kiss the Sky, MJJ Music] when I was 16, and other people wrote most of the songs. I really wanted the next album that I did to express who I am. And the only way I can do that is to write it myself. So in that sense, I found my voice.Did you also recruit a gaggle of producers like last time?
No, I finally paired up with a producer named Johnny J, who has sold 100 million albums worldwide and is responsible for a lot of 2Pac’s music.You’re not going to start rocking bandannas and have THUG LIFE tatted on your body, are you?
Absolutely not, not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s not my personal style. But I’m not gangster—no THUG LIFE tatted on my chest [laughs].
The nonbinding resolution, which is expected to pass, was introduced by Rep. Steve Cohen, a white lawmaker who represents a majority black district in Memphis, Tennessee. While many states have apologized for slavery, it will be first time a branch of the federal government will apologize for slavery if the resolution passes, an aide to Cohen said.
By passing the resolution, the House would also acknowledge the “injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow.” The resolution does not address the controversial issue of reparations. Some members of the African-American community have called on lawmakers to give cash payments or other financial benefits to descendents of slaves as compensation for the suffering caused by slavery. The resolution states that “the vestiges of Jim Crow continue to this day.”
“African-Americans continue to suffer from the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow — long after both systems were formally abolished — through enormous damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, including the loss of human dignity and liberty, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunity,” the resolution states.
The House would also commit itself to stopping “the occurrence of human rights violations in the future,” if it passes the resolution. The resolution will not be the first time lawmakers have apologized to an ethnic group for past injustices.
It’s about damned time. But on the real, the issue of reparations must be addressed too.
Brown, born Inga Marchand, was reportedly paid $75,000 in 2005 to deliver an autobiography called "Broken Silence" by February 2006; while Lil' Kim, real name Kimberly Denise Jones, was paid $40,000 in 2003 for a novel that was due June 2004. Coincidentally, both women ended up in prison shortly after signing their deals.
Foxy Brown’s attorney, Laura Dilimetin, has spoken out for her client, claiming that Simon and Schuster agreed to allow Foxy to put the project on hold because of her legal woes and a health issue took precendence in the rapper's life. Brown was diagnosed with sudden severe hearing loss the same year she sign her book deal.
"With Simon and Schuster's blessings, Foxy Brown underwent extensive surgical procedures and a lengthy recovery time, fighting to restore her hearing," Dilimetin told AllHipHop in a statement.
After Foxy completed her treatments, Dilmetin says it was the publisher that wanted out of the deal. “Simon and Schuster decided not to go forward with the project," the attorney claimed.
While promoting his book, Hiding in Hip Hop in Detroit at the Black Pride - Hotter Than July event, Terrance Dean ran into Deelishis. He shares how their convo went down:
Well, me and Deelishus were introduced to one another. She notices my book and we got to talking about it. She was like, “Oh my God! We have to talk.”
“No problem,” I said.
“Okay, you know I used to date someone in the business, right?” She looks me in my eyes with her gorgeous smile.
I am definitely attracted to her. There is something about Deelishus that makes you feel welcoming. She is really beautiful with soft feminine features and a dynamic smile.
“Well, who are you talking about?” I asked already knowing who she was referring to. I really wanted her to say his name.
“He is a rapper,” she says coyly.
I get that she is not going to say his name. So I try a different approach.
“Did he used to have long hair?”
She thinks for a moment and then looks at me shocked. She nods her head and says, “Yeah.”
“What do you want to know?” I ask.
“I mean, do you know anything. I heard…” her voice trails off and she looks at me for some indication or confirmation.
“I know some things.”
“Oh my gosh!” Deelishus squeals. She puts her hand over her mouth.
“It’s no secret. We all know.”
“No, no, no,” She continues to squeal and backs away from me. She starts laughing. “Are you serious?”
But, before we could continue, one of the hosts of the party jumps between us to get his photo op on. Then a crowd swells around us. She keeps looking over at me and saying, “Terrance, we have to talk. Seriously we have to talk.”
I smiled at her and told her, “Yeah, we do.” I know she has some things she wants to share with me as well.
We didn’t get the chance to meet up later. Everyone was shoving and clamoring around her to get their pictures taken. I got caught up in some other people, I mean, other things. I am sure me and Deelishus’s paths will cross again.
A rapper who once had long hair that plays for the down-low team? This one’s a head scratcher (damn these freaking hints!!).
Now we are beginning to understand why his daughter Angelina Jolie kicked his wrinkly ass to the curb. Peep this piece of sh*t - an op-ed for the Washington Times - penned by actor Jon Voight (it’s longer than a mutha - but it’s absolutely outrageous):
We, as parents, are well aware of the importance of our teachers who teach and program our children. We also know how important it is for our children to play with good-thinking children growing up.
Sen. Barack Obama has grown up with the teaching of very angry, militant white and black people: the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, William Ayers and Rev. Michael Pfleger. We cannot say we are not affected by teachers who are militant and angry. We know too well that we become like them, and Mr. Obama will run this country in their mindset.
The Democratic Party, in its quest for power, has managed a propaganda campaign with subliminal messages, creating a God-like figure in a man who falls short in every way. It seems to me that if Mr. Obama wins the presidential election, then Messrs. Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers and Pfleger will gain power for their need to demoralize this country and help create a socialist America.
The Democrats have targeted young people, knowing how easy it is to bring forth whatever is needed to program their minds. I know this process well. I was caught up in the hysteria during the Vietnam era, which was brought about through Marxist propaganda underlying the so-called peace movement. The radicals of that era were successful in giving the communists power to bring forth the killing fields and slaughter 2.5 million people in Cambodia and South Vietnam. Did they stop the war, or did they bring the war to those innocent people? In the end, they turned their backs on all the horror and suffering they helped create and walked away.
Those same leaders who were in the streets in the ’60s are very powerful today in their work to bring down the Iraq war and to attack our president, and they have found their way into our schools. William Ayers is a good example of that.
Thank God, today, we have a strong generation of young soldiers who know exactly who they are and what they must do to protect our freedom and our democracy. And we have the leadership of Gen. David Petraeus, who has brought hope and stability to Iraq and prevented the terrorists from establishing a base in that country. Our soldiers are lifting us to an example of patriotism at a time when we’ve almost forgotten who we are and what is at stake.
If Mr. Obama had his way, he would have pulled our troops from Iraq years ago and initiated an unprecedented bloodbath, turning over that country to the barbarianism of our enemies. With what he has openly stated about his plans for our military, and his lack of understanding about the true nature of our enemies, there’s not a cell in my body that can accept the idea that Mr. Obama can keep us safe from the terrorists around the world, and from Iran, which is making great strides toward getting the atomic bomb. And while a misleading portrait of Mr. Obama is being perpetrated by a media controlled by the Democrats, the Obama camp has sent out people to attack the greatness of Sen. John McCain, whose suffering and courage in a Hanoi prison camp is an American legend.
Gen. Wesley Clark, who himself has shame upon him, having been relieved of his command, has done their bidding and become a lying fool in his need to demean a fellow soldier and a true hero.
This is a perilous time, and more than ever, the world needs a united and strong America. If, God forbid, we live to see Mr. Obama president, we will live through a socialist era that America has not seen before, and our country will be weakened in every way.
We’ve just about had it with these tired ass racist windbags - seriously. Just like a rigid old fart, this geezer is incapable of accepting reality. We all know the real deal: Obama All The Way.
Solange graces the cover of Bust Magazine. Lil Miss Free Spirit also recently lost her “vlogging virginity.”
Click HERE to watch Solange stumble through her first vlog entry, cussing and all.
“In the game we in, it’s real competitive,” Ross told Power 98.3 FM. “Competitors have to do what they have to do to eat. We making the best music. Y’all seen the BET Awards, y’all saw the magazine. We the biggest in the game, we the best in the game. Just keeping it real. And anytime somebody can attack my character, like I said, you get nothing from the Boss. I don’t give haters the pleasure.“
“When you get to my level, you’re a great conversation piece,” Rick Ross calmly explained. “I’m big on the blogs, I’m big on the magazines, and I appreciate that as an artist. That’s why I’m in the game. I got in this game to introduce people and to make great music. And that’s what it’s about.
“We gon’ keep the records coming, we gon’ keep the music coming. Like I said, I’m one of the realest sources of this real street music in this game. Straight out of Miami, straight out of M-I-Yayo. One of my closest homies was on America’s Most Wanted.”
Ross also revealed that he and Foxy Brown were no longer an item.
Is the fact that he claims to know someone who was once on America’s Most Wanted supposed to prove something? He probably met that dude while he was working at the pen. SMH.
"I've been watching the news-stands since the beginning. There are lines of women when they hear of a new shipment," says Kenya Hunt, the young black style editor of Metro International News in magazine sales are really hurting." New York. "The news-stand guys are hustling, locking it up in the back and charging $25, $28, when the real price is $16. Yesterday, I saw it on eBay for $50. There is a climate shift. This is the year of the presidential election. And this at a time when
The pair’s relationship has become increasingly serious after Naomi introduced Doronin to 12 of her most trusted friends at a dinner party in the South of France last month.
One of Naomi’s guests, Brazilian writer Bruno Astuto, said: ‘She said it was love at first sight and he is completely in love with her. Watching them look deeply into each other’s eyes, it was obvious that this is a very serious affair.
We all know Naomi’s track record (and temper), let’s see how long this one lasts.