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Monday, June 23, 2008

Will Imus Ever Learn?

Talk show d**khead supreme Don Imus is up to his usual tricks again. Check out this exchange between ignorant Imus and one of the on air flunkies as they talk about NFL star Pacman Jones.

Wolf: “Defensive back Adam ‘Pacman’ Jones, recently signed by the Cowboys. Here’s a guy suspended all of 2007 following a shooting in a Vegas night club.”
Imus: “Well, stuff happens. You’re in a night club, for God’s sake. What do you think’s gonna happen in a night club? People are drinking and doing drugs, there are women there, and people have guns. So, there, go ahead.”

Wolf: “He’s also been arrested six times since being drafted by Tennessee in 2005.”

Imus:”What color is he?”

Wolf:”He’s African-American.”

Imus: “Well, there you go. Now we know.”

Spoken like a true jackass. No one was buying that fake apology from this dried up bigot in the first place. He was, is, and will always be a racist fool. It’s time for Imus to get booted of the airwaves for good.


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