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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hand Out Hilary

In a show of integrity and good faith, Barack Obama is attempting to help Hillary Clinton crawl her way out of the hole that she foolishly dug herself into:

“Sen. Barack Obama has asked members of his National Finance Committee to help former rival Sen. Hillary Clinton retire the debt from her failed presidential campaign. Obama and Clinton ran a protracted race for the Democratic presidential nomination that left Clinton with a campaign debt of more than $22 million when she bowed out this month.
Obama asked [the members] to contribute to Clinton’s campaign if they were so inclined, but he did not direct them to do so.”

Could you imagine Hillary doing such a thing if the shoe was on the other foot? You’ll find no sympathy for Hillary from us. It serves her right for continuing with her campaign despite the fact that she was getting stomped. This sounds very peculiar indeed.


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