Ice T & his camel toe wife Coco don’t see eye to eye regarding the presidential candidates:
“Ice-T is in support of Obama, Coco likes Hillary Clinton to win the race. Why? ‘Because she’s a woman,’”
‘I would want Hillary to win if Obama wasn’t in,’ Ice told UK’s The Sun. ‘I’m really listening to Obama. I’m not just gonna vote for the man ’cause he’s black. I’m sizing dude up… I think he’s out to clean the image in the United States up, if that’s possible.’”
We should’ve known Coco’s dippy ass would go for Hillary. Some of that silicone must have made its way to her brain.
Ice T also shares opinion about the Bushes:
“Bush’s father was the Anti-Christ. I told you that. This is the son of a Bush. We told you. Go play Publi Enemy records from ‘92 and we wouldn’t be where we are today.”
Preach Brother, Preach!!
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