The Slick John McCain decided to put a woman as his Vice President, but guess what? It is said that McCain’s running mate is into some shady dealings:
On March 5th, 2008 Alaska”s Republican Governor, Sarah Palin, announced to the media that she was 7 months pregnant with her 5th child. She is currently 44. Palin”s daughter Bristol is 16 and attends an Anchorage high school. Students who have attended class with her report that she has been out of school for months, claiming a prolonged case of mono. Palin does not appear pregnant in any recent photographs. The announcement came as quite a shock to people who had worked closely with her, and have been quoted as saying that she did not appear pregnant whatsoever during the prior 7 months.
Covering up for her knocked up hussy of a daughter, ehh? Hmmm…not a good look.
Julie Walters, Meryl Streep and Christine Baranski in Universal Pictures' Mamma Mia! - 2008
1. Belting out Abba songs in a theater with 15 other people may make you feel like a lone (howling) wolf. Did they not dig my falsetto on "Money Money Money"?
2. Most Abba songs are not keyed to male singers. Join in on "The Winner Takes It All" at your own risk.
3. For many folks, "Sing-Along" means "Mouth-Along" or--once Pop Machine got the hand-slapping party going during "Dancing Queen"--"Clap-Along."
4. Theaters should crank the volume higher than the AMC River East had it, if only to provide cover for the Pierce Brosnan or Julie Walters sound-alikes among us.
5. A bigger (nighttime) crowd and beverage service would help. A lot.
Sing-along versions of old musicals (“Mary Poppins,” “The Sound of Music,” “White Christmas”) have become popular draws at theaters such as the Music Box— Yes, “Mamma Mia! The Sing-Along Edition” will open Aug. 29 nationwide, including at nine Chicago-area theaters (among them River East, As a bonus, the dude bellowing in the row behind you probably won’t sound any worse than Pierce Brosnan.
P.S. If you go, please tell us about your sing-along "Mamma Mia!" experience.
Test Your Vocal Skills
Dancing Queen
The Game was caught putting his hands on someone again:
When The Game said goodbye to a relative at a funeral, he may also have kissed his own ass goodbye. Hawthorne City Attorney has charged The Game with criminal battery for allegedly punching a cousin at a family funeral. The tiff was over money, and the relative called the cops and made a citizen’s arrest before the body was buried. And it gets worse for Mr. Game. He’s currently on probation for a firearms offense, and if he’s convicted of battery a judge could violate that probation and throw his butt in the pokey.
We all know The Game is certainly a special character, but scrapping with family members at a funeral just sounds all wrong. This nicca may need some sort of anger management.
"I learned the hard way that me and liquor do not mix. I’m not the violent one, I am just the one throwing up … I went out with Jay-Z once. Shots came around but around the fifth I noticed that no one else was drinking them … Nine later and I was throwing up outside of Jay-Z’s car … He threatened to send me the cleaning bill if I was sick inside."
Yeah about that it's really not a good look for anyone and if you are in your twenties you should know better and know when to stop drinking not everyone has the same tollerance for drinking man...just common thang, no one will look at you wrong if you can't keep up, they will have more repsect for you that you know when to stop...All good live and lean man
Robin Thicke speaks on color in the new Billboard magazine:
When I did a recent interview with Vibe magazine I asked, “Why can’t I get the cover? This is a magazine I love. If there’s one magazine that I’d want to be on the cover of, it’s Vibe.” Their response was they don’t have white artists on the cover; that the only white artist they’ve had on the cover was Eminem. I guess if that’s what it is, it is what it is. And I respect that because I live in a house with a black woman.
I won’t use the word “racism.” I will say it’s a tough — but rewarding — fight. I look at Mary J. Blige, somebody who has had only a few pop hits and yet has changed culture, generated new sounds and inspired leagues of artists. She’s now a worldwide phenomenon. And it’s because of what she stood for; she never gave up. She kept making great music, pouring her heart out to people.
You can’t always expect people to be as color-blind or open-minded as you want. What you can do is keep giving your heart and soul, like Bob Marley did. His music became so overwhelmingly loving; it was a relentless love in a sense. Keep beating them down with love and they can’t stop you.
Hey Robin come to us RapPagesMagazine.com where true Hip Hop and R&B lives and we will put you on the cover, why becasue you are great.
Like Foxy Brown, Teairra Mari is whining about Jay-Z not giving two shits about her:
Teairra Mari officially launched her comeback journey with a new sexy spread in this month’s KING magazine. The former Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam singer shows off her ass-ets in KING, while revealing her feelings about ex-boss Jay-Z and past label mate Rihanna.
On Jay: “I was calling Jay my father. I love you like my father because my father is not in my life. Jay didn’t even call and tell me [I was dropped]. I was hurt.”
She also talks about Lil’ Wayne. “He’s a good friend; we’ve hung out a couple of times. I was attracted to him for a second, but then it grew into a nice friendship. He’s a charmer, like an old-school kind of guy.”
And when the subject turned to Rihanna, Teairra got downright catty. Teairra took offense to some comments Rihanna made to Atlanta’s Peach magazine regarding her dismissal from the Roc. Rihanna said, “You have to be good to people. I could very easily say its all karma…”
“They asked her how she felt playing second fiddle to me, which I never felt [she was]. She had the number-one song in the country on Hot 100; I didn’t, so she couldn’t be playing second fiddle to me. When I heard that I was upset, like, ‘Why would she ever go there? Keep my name out your mouth, sweetie.”
Awww, such is life though, pretty much everyone on that label got shitted on. SMH.
Many were amazed by Barack Obama’s speech last night, Oprah especially:
“I cried my eyelashes off,” she said in the bowels of Invesco Field, moments after Obama accepted the nomination for president before an estimated 84,000 people. “I think it’s the most powerful thing I have ever experienced,” she added, calling Obama’s words “transcendent.” On the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a Dream Speech,” Winfrey compared Obama’s words to those of the civil-rights leader, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
“He’s not an African-American candidate,” she said. “He’s a candidate for Americans.” Winfrey threw her support behind Obama early — even before the Democratic primaries got under way last year. She’s stayed active since, hosting rallies and fundraisers that even Obama has acknowledged have given him a boost.
The full Story Below:
Presidential candidate Barack Obama officially accepted his nomination for president on Thursday, wrapping up the four day Democratic National Convention in Denver. Before a stadium of an estimated 84,000 people in Invesco Field (home of the Denver Broncos), Obama delivered the biggest speech of his career --embarking upon a fight against Republican John McCain on the path to becoming president.
As if his endorsement of John McCain weren’t enough! Apparently, Daddy Yankee wants to make it clear that his support of the Republican Presidential Candidate goes far beyond a few photo shoots and public appearance.
The singer has now committed to perform at the Fiesta Americana Concert as part of next week’s Republican NationalConvention in St. Paul, Minnesota.
I’m sure performing for a stadium full of 3,000 suit-and-tie Republicans is the ideal audience for some reggaeton. I bet that fiesta is going to get hot!
Daddy Yankee has been getting busted on left and right for his support of the Arizona senator. It seems that a lot of people just don’t see the link between reggaetoneros and 72-year-old white men.
Most recently, fellow performer Fat Joe put Daddy Yankee on blast for his politics, saying to MTV News:
“I opened the newspaper and got sick to my stomach. I felt like I wanted to vomit when I seen that. The reason why I called him a sellout is because I feel he did that for a [publicity] look, rather than the issues that are affecting his people that look up to him. How could you want John McCain in office when George Bush and the Republicans already have half a million people losing their homes in Foreclosure? We’re fighting an unjust war. It’s the Latinos and black kids up in the frontlines, fighting that war. … We over here trying to take the troops out of Iraq and bring peace. This guy immediately wants war. If not with Iraq or Afghanistan, he’ll start a new one with Iran. I feel real disgusted that Daddy Yankee would do that. Either he did that for a look, or he’s just not educated on politics.”
Now, I don’t know how educated Fat Joe is on politics either, but at least he hit on some valid points!
Source: MTV News
It’s top secret right now, but they are hoping to have a little one by Christmas,” a longtime pal told The Enquirer. “They’re trying to keep it quiet because they don’t want to jinx the whole thing.” Latifah’s sister, who works in New Jersey’s Division of Youth and Family Services, is helping guide her through the red tape, said the source. Unlike Madonna and Angelina Jolie, Latifah is making a point of adopting a child from the United States. “I can understand why people go outside the U.S. You can adopt someone here, and the birth parents have three years to come back and get that child. That’s terrifying,” said the Oscar-nominated “Chicago” star. But she says poor American children “can use just as much assistance as someone from around the world. I want to do something here.”
Adoption has been on her mind for a long time. The “Mad Money” star told a reporter last year, “I’ve always wanted to have [babies] and adopt. When I was little, I remember seeing TV shows and a child would be adopted and be happy. I just always felt like there are so many kids out there who need a parent.”
Go head, Big ‘Tifah, if this is true and she’s settling down and making it happen, we ain’t mad at her at all…
T-Pain is feelin the heat from switching up a gospel song into a song about Patrón “Silver and Gold”:
Pain cut called “Silver and Gold” leaked to the Internet a few months back, with the Tallahassee, Florida, native singing about the effects of blending clear and colored Patrón tequila together for consumption. “You’ll be hanging, swanging, drinking two types of Patrón,” he sings. “I done mixed up silver and gold/ I done mixed up silver and gold/ I’mma tryin’ to get drunk before this party/ Somebody’s gonna have to carry me home/ I done drank the silver and gold.”
While Pain’s following ate it up, non-secular-music kingpin Kirk Franklin had to put a call into the young singer. Franklin debuted the original “Silver and Gold” on his 1993 Kirk Franklin and the Family album. The gospel version goes: “Silver and gold/ Silver and gold/ I’d rather have Jesus than silver and gold/ No fame or fortune/ Nor riches untold/ I’d rather have Jesus than silver and gold.”
“It was never supposed to be on my album,” Pain said Tuesday in the MTV News office, wearing a purple top hat and matching shirt. “The record, it got leaked, then me and Kirk Franklin had to talk. He was doing most of the talking. He was saying it wasn’t no disrespect. He was saying he knows how songs get leaked. He had it happen to him before. He said he wasn’t a saint, and it wasn’t like he never did nothing wrong. It’s not like [Kirk] said I did something wrong. He said if I was gonna go with it, just change the melody. ‘You can still say silver and gold.’ He’s got a lot of people saying stuff to him: ‘How could you let T-Pain destroy a gospel song like that? How could let him talk about alcohol?’ I wasn’t even doing it for a mixtape or nothing. I was literally drinking and made a song. I was bored in the studio. There was nothing else to do. I made it into an alcoholic anthem, which wasn’t good.”
Damn, people are really off their rockers these days:
A mother was convicted Friday of killing her month-old daughter by burning her in a microwave oven, with jurors rejecting a defense attorney’s claims there was evidence that someone else was responsible. China Arnold, 28, showed no reaction when the jury’s verdict was announced and then lowered her head, looking down at the defense table. She was found guilty of aggravated murder and faces the death penalty when sentenced. Arnold was accused of killing daughter Paris Talley in 2005. A judge declared a mistrial in February, and the retrial began August 18. Jury deliberations started Thursday following closing arguments. Prosecutors said Arnold intentionally put her baby in the microwave oven and cooked the child to death after a fight with her boyfriend. Arnolds’ cellmate testified that Arnold confessed to putting the baby in the microwave and turned it on because she was worried her boyfriend would leave her if he found out the child wasn’t his.
That sounds crazy. This desperate ass bi*ch cooked her baby to death over a dude. She put the baby in the microwave; they need to lock her ass up for good, it’s apparent that she’s fu*king nuts. SMH.
(WENN) R&B star R. Kelly has denied involvement in an alleged $130,000 tour ticket scam. The singer has been accused of profiting from a fraud in South Africa after a local woman,
Busiswe Zakwe, was arrested on suspicion of swindling investors. It is claimed she promised them they would benefit from ticket sales if they brought an R. Kelly tour to the country in 2005. The concerts never happened, but Zakwe allegedly kept the money and deposited some of it into the star's bank account. But the singer denies any knowledge of the incident, and insists he doesn't even know who Zakwe is.
Atlanta rapper T.I. has set a new record on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. The self-proclaimed King of the South makes the biggest jump to the top of the Billlboard Hot 100, as "Whatever You Like" soars from number 71 to number 1 in its third week on the list, according to Billboard.com
The track, produced by Jim Jonsin, who is also the creator behind Lil' Wayne's "Lollipop," is the rapper's first No. 1 single as a lead artist, and his opening-week digital sum totals are the best by a rap track since Nielsen SoundScan began compiling download data in 2003.
The retired football star won the latest round in his lengthy divorce case when a state appeals court reversed a lower court's awarding of about $18,000 per month in child support to his twin 3-year-old daughters.
A three-judge panel found a lower court didn't adequately review the claims by Strahan's ex-wife, Jean, about their girls' needs.
Among the listed expenses were a 10-day vacation to Jamaica for the girls' nanny and her family, allegedly as a gift from the children, and diamond jewelry given to their grandmother.
Strahan's wife also claimed the toddlers needed $27,000 per year for clothing because she dressed them in a new outfit each time they saw their father.
"Some of the expenses claimed by the defendant clearly should have been deleted by the court," the appeals court concluded.
"Mr Strahan is gratified with the result and feels his legal position has been vindicated," Strahan's lawyer, Angelo Genova, said Tuesday. "He hopes the matter an be resolved amicably going forward in the interests of his children."
The Strahans married in 1999, but went through a bitter public divorce in 2005 and 2006 that included allegations by Jean Strahan that her husband physiclally abused her.
Former President Bill Clinton took the stage last night, on the third day of the Democratic National Convention, receiving an overwhelming response of cheers and ovation from the crowd lasting more than two minutes.
Just as his wife did, Clinton declared his support for Barack Obama and made it clear that he feels the Illinois senator is ready to lead the nation.
"Everything I learned in my eight years as president and in the work I've done since, in America and across the globe, has convinced me that Barack Obama is the man for this job," Clinton told a crowd of Democrats waving American flags.
In an historical night of unity, Democrats nominated Barack Obama as their presidential candidate on Wednesday, sending him into battle against Republican John McCain.
This is the same broad how said she only liked broke and creative men:
Naomi Campbell has finally hit it big with her Russian billionaire, Vladimir Doronin. The two were just in her favorite country, Brazil, where he dropped a cool $18.5 million on a penthouse apartment for Campbell in Jardins, the Upper East Side of Sao Paolo, after Campbell told him how much she loved the country and “wanted to settle down there.” Glamurama.com says the place was a “gift” to the supermodel and the couple will use it as their home in Brazil. Then they traveled to Bahia, where they stayed in a $50,000-a-day beach house. Campbell, who’s trying to improve her rage-plagued image, is also focusing on being photographed at charitable events and launching a clothing line through 284, the new label from Daslu. “It’s for strong women. I hope everybody will like it.”
Damn, must be nice. This dude got that long money for real. SMH.