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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When Idiots Attack

This fool was close to the Obama house with a hand gun, trying to get through the gates…

The 31-year-old grandson of late Chicago Defender publisher John Sengstacke was arrested today after an officer found a handgun in a vehicle he parked near Barack Obama’s South Side home, police said. Omhari Sengstacke — a convicted felon — is charged with unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and criminal trespassing to state land, police said. Sengstacke did not make any threats against Obama, according to the Secret Service. Some of Sengstacke’s family members said in a statement that Omhari wasn’t attempting to harm the Obamas, adding that they reside in the area and are supporters of the candidate.

Obama was home at the time of the arrest, but flew to Florida later in the morning. Sengstacke has a 2004 theft conviction for stealing a cell phone and a 2006 forgery conviction for trying to buy clothing with a fake traveler’s check. He received probation for both offenses. At about 5 a.m. today, Sengstacke drove up to the sercurity perimeter around Obama’s home in the Kenwood neighborhood. He was told to leave and drove away, but returned, police said. An officer searched his vehicle and recovered the gun as well as a bulletproof vest, a law enforcement source said. HIs arrest comes a month after three men were nabbed on drug and gun charges during the Democratic convention in Denver. One of the men allegedly told a Secret Service agent that another one of them planned to kill Obama with a high-powered rifle during his acceptance speech.

This looks way out. Not just the guy’s hairline, the fact that his family says he is a supporter but was trying to get through the gate with a handgun. We are sure the Obama Camp is good without having some yahoo that doesn’t know when to put his piece up or go with the baldy on the team. Weirdo…


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