Russell Brand hosted the MTV VMA's this year, the sex driven host took us on an elaborate and perverted adventure throughout the show. He was over all OK, he came off a little flat in the beginning, but had moments where I really liked his hosting capabilities. I know Perez Hilton said he is gangsta with it and wants to blast Russell for his comments about the Jonas Brothers values of no sex, that's great Perez but really it was quiet funny and entertaining and if you can't poke fun at things in life then it just make you dull. But all and all its a great thing that Jonas Brothers have committed to their abstinence believe..good for you Jonas Brothers. On the real it's all choice and Russell that shyt was funny man, so do you and F**k what people say, I thought it was funny.
Now for the MTV updated article:
There are press conferences, and then there are press conferences. The difference between the two is a lot greater than just some lousy italics.
Take, for example, the VMA presser that took place Thursday (September 4) on the Paramount Studios backlot. At first, it seemed to be another media gathering, complete with the usual sights (spazzy reporters, grumpy camera guys, a dude dressed up like a ninja who asked stupid questions in a faux-gruff tone) and sounds (plenty of ear-shattering microphone feedback, people complaining about the heat).
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