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Friday, July 18, 2008

The N Word Out Of Messy Jesse Mouth...Can We Say Hypocrite

Jesse Jackson apparently dropped the N-Bomb during his infamous “nut cutting” rant last week:

When Fox News aired the clip of civil right activist Jesse Jackson saying that he wanted to castrate Barack Obama, the media pounced on the major gaffe, forcing Jackson to repeatedly apologize the Illinois senator and his family. Now it’s being revealed that Reverend Jackson made potentially more damaging remarks in his caught-on-tape moment of shame.

Though the actual footage has not circulated, transcripts of the illicit conversation have been leaked and show Jackson to have used the “n-word.” According to TVNewser.com, Jackson said, “Barack…he’s talking down to black people…telling niggas how to behave.” Fox had edited out the racial slur in its broadcast.

Jackson, who though his mic was off while he made the comments, should suffer even more public disgrace with this new revelation. The reverend is known for crusading again the use of the so-called n-word and this incident shows gross hypocrisy.

The former civil rights icon was among the loudest in bashing comedian Michael Richards for his onstage tirade, in which he used the charged words multiple times. And Jackson is known for leading boycotts against entertainment figures and companies that sell content featuring the word.

Following the leak of the transcript, Jackson apologized again, but dodged presiding issue:

“I am deeply saddened and distressed by the pain and sorrow that I have caused as a result of my hurtful words. I apologize again to Senator Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, their children as well as to the American public,” he said in a written statement. “There really is no justification for my comments and I hope that the Obama family and the American public will forgive me. I also pray that we, as a nation, can move on to address the real issues that affect the American people.”

Jesse needs to sit down and shut the f**k up with all that hypocritical nonsense.


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