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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kanye West: 'Ghost Blogger? Hell No'

From BallerStatus.com -- The blogosphere has become the new sources for news and what's going on for internet surfers. It's become so popular celebs such as Kim Kardashian, Pharrell and even Kayne West add posts to their official blogs daily.

These celebs blogs are very popular. However, the question of the moment is if these so-called celebrity blogs are updated by the actual celebrity, or a hired hand, aka a "ghost blogger."

In hip-hop, when a rapper has a song with lyrics written by another person -- who remains unknown -- that person is called a "ghostwriter." With the busy lives of these celebs, who allegedly blog daily, a few select bloggers have took to their online spaces accusing these celebs of using a "ghost blogger" to keep their online diaries updated constant.

Most recently, Kanye West was one of these celebs, according to NahRight.com.

Recently, a blogger by the name Marcus Troy posted an item in which he discusses this trend, naming both Pharrell and Kanye as possibilities. After the topic was spotted by another blogger, they then posted their own rant, outing Marcus as Kanye's alleged "ghost blogger."

Being the avid internet reader Kanye is, he spotted these topics. In an effort to clear his name immediately, he jumped on his laptop, posting his own blog, denying these claims.

In West's response, he simply posted photos of himself, in the studio on his laptop, updating his blog.

The short story to all this is: Kanye West is actually on his computer, getting his blog on, as much as any other blogger. If he does have on these these so-called "ghost bloggers," he's denying it altogether.

If you haven't seen it yet, you can visit Kanye's official blog at KanyeUniverseCity.com/blog/.

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