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Friday, July 25, 2008

The Deniel Of Cosby

Here he is, defending himself again. Bill Cosby says he is not guilty of “blacklisting” Terrance Howard:

“I don’t like something being out there that I know for sure isn’t true,” said Cosby. As previously reported, Howard was quoted as saying he confronted Cosby to ask why his small guest role on “The Cosby Show” ended up on the editing room floor. Howard explained: “I told him, ‘I’m a man just like you.’ He didn’t like it, and the casting agent [Hughes Moss Casting] never took my calls again.” Howard said he didn’t get another Hollywood gig for the next four years.

Cosby told us he has no recollection of the conversation with the 19-year-old Howard, does not remember Howard coming to his office and has never attempted to prevent any actor from booking gigs, strictly out of spite.

Cosby said he called Howard, who was in Italy, to find out why he (Howard) made those comments. “The young man said to me on the phone, ‘Mr. Cosby, [in] the conversation we had, you gave me information that was valuable,’ recalls Cosby, adding that Howard said he “tells people this.”

“I said ‘Well yeah, Terrence, but look, this is out there. And then you say, “You’re a man just like I am,”‘ and he didn’t [have anything to] say about that. And I said, ‘They’re making it sound like I blackballed you.’ And I said, ‘Terrence, there’s no way that you can prove that.’”

“He didn’t say that he didn’t say it. What he said was, ‘Mr. Cosby, the information you gave me was sort of like priceless, and it was a lesson in the business. You said son, things like this will happen.’ And I do know he said, with people on the phone, he said that I told him to keep trying, keep plugging. That’s what he said.”

“Somewhere, there’s something missing,” Cosby said. “And that is somebody saying either I never said those things, or, I’m sorry. And it’s taking too long. And these blogs go out, man. I don’t want people looking at Bill Cosby talking about, ‘I had people barred.’ It just gets too far out.”

There is definitely something suspect about this whole convoluted tale. Could it be that ole Terrance is just a tad paranoid?

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