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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another Word From Fake Jesse Jackson

Messy Jesse’s former mistress shares her theory with the National Enquirer on why he wants to “cut Obama’s nuts off:”

Karin Stanford, who has a 9 year daughter with Rev Jackson [the Rev and Mrs. Jackson have been married for 46 years. Do the math], says the good Rev made the crack about Obama because he feels guilty about the relationship he has with his love child. The hot mic conversation where Jesse was caught saying he wanted to “cut Barack’s nuts out” for “talking down to black people” was in reference to a speech Barack made chastising absentee African-American fathers for not taking responsibility for their children.

According to Jesse’s former mistress, when Barack said, “We need fathers to recognize that responsibility doesn’t just end at conception”, Karin believes, “Somewhere in the back of his mind, Rev Jackson has to acknowledge that he has his own responsibility to his daughter.” Karin told The Enquirer, “My daughter Ashley, who is 9 years old, has very little contact with her siblings. And although Jesse takes care of her financially and has a relationship with Ashley, she is still not considered a part of that family. And to tell you the truth, even if Jesse took Ashley to see his family, it would have to be a chaperoned visit because I would literally be afraid to leave my baby alone with them. They are so dysfunctional, there is no telling what they would do or say to her.”

Time to hang it up Jesse. Game Over.


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