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Thursday, June 26, 2008

The White fans Booed me last week’s Bonnaroo festival

"Kanye West is having a fit on his blog. The “Stronger” singer still can’t get over the fact that his white fans booed him at last week’s Bonnaroo festival.

If you recall, Kanye was booed lustily for being 2 hours late for his performance. He didn’t hit the stage until 4:30 AM. The next day, ‘fuck Kanye’ graffiti was spray painted on port-a-potties and on walls at the festival. Kanye is LIVID! Here is an excerpt from a rambling untitled post on his blog:

I am sick of negative people who just sit around trying 2 plot my downfall… Why???? I understand if people don’t like me because I like me or if people think tight clothes look gay or people say I run my mouth to much, But this Bonnaroo thing is the worst insult I’ve ever had in my life. This is the most offended I’ve ever been… this is the maddest I ever will be. I’m typing so fucking hard I might break my fucking Mac book Air!!!!!!!!

Wow, Kanye never gets this angry when urban bloggers diss his ass. I guess we don’t count? Well, we’re sick of you too, Kanye!" Sandrarose.com

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