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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Obama Alert

Here is why Missouri Congressman and Hillary Clinton supporter Emanuel Cleaver thinks “White America” will vote for Obama:

“For White Americans, it’s like, this guy can speak. If you put him on a level with a lot of other African-American public speakers, he may not even measure up.”

“If I had to make a prediction right now, I’d say Barack Obama is going to be the next president. I will be stunned if he’s not the next president of the United States.”

“I think for many white Americans, they are looking at Barack Obama and saying ‘This is our chance to demonstrate that we have been able to get this boogeyman called race behind us,’” Cleaver said. “And so they are going to vote for him, whether he has credentials or not, whether he has any experience — I think all that’s out the window.”

What the hell is this fool talking about? Let’s talk about Hillary’s experience. This sea hag thinks sitting up under dick-silly Billy for 8 years makes her a seasoned politician. We all know she spent a good deal of her time in the White House giving tea parties and covering up Ole Bill’s fat girl fellatio fetish.


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