OK I don't really know why Vivica Fox with Roberto Cavalli is random, but it just is. They're are just two people I would never put together in a million Hollywood years(or the time it took the writers guild to go back to work). But like Mr. West, Ms. Fox was one of many that attended the gala at the Cavalli flagship store for Fashion Week, Paris. Why was she there you ask? I don't know, the entertainment is like high school, talk to the right people, and you ll get invited to the popular parties! And wear their clothes, as seen here.Don't you love how no matter what dress shes in at what event shes always trying to flaunt her ASSests.
To be quite honest. He doesn't even look interested in the picture being taken of him. His eyes and the camera man aren't even on the same level. It was probably one of those, Hey Vivica!!Vivica!! stand next to Roberto!...and of course she said yes..because again like high school, you have to have evidence that you were at all those "popular" parties and socials!
I feel you thought Viv. I respect your hustle. Its hard out there for a pimp, and even harder for his...associates. You gotta do what you gotta do to stay where you gotta be. We've all done it. Only after the picture we now yell "Tag Me!"
I guess you could just say Vivica is just "Too Pop!" ( or just trying really hard to be..again)
Kanye West saw flashing lights during Paris Fashion Week. He escorted his lady love Alexis to the Cavalli Flagship store in Paris, France where they sipped bubbly, shaked hands with European designers, celebrities, and Roberto Cavalli Himself. Ahhh! it must be nice!
Some sites are claiming that Alexis is prego, but i think its just another rumor hunt. SHES NOT PREGNANT. In order to have children you need to be totally selfless and be able to give your baby and its mother full attention, and Kanye isn't showing the adequate behavior that permits such. Sorry Mr.West!
Seen here in a grey Cavali Cocktail dress, and fuchsia lipstick. I love it. The lip color makes the dress POP! It also accents the pink rope that hangs from Kanye's neck. Knowing Kanye, he most likely planned it that way. They couple looks chic and wealthy, which is a look that will never go out of style.
What is it with Kanye's blank stair look? He needs a new face. Not Like plastic surgery "needs a new face" but taking pictures " needs a new face"..get it?
At Flloyd Mayweathers 31st Birthday bash in Las Vegas, Keyshia Cole and Mayweather were inseparable. Guests at the party were wondering if there was more going on than met their eyes. Could they be a new couple? or since they most likely intoxicated could it be just flirtatious friendship. We will never know, unless they come out and claim their a couple then well know for sure. Yea, pictures like this defiantly confirm intoxication, as if being in Vegas at 31 didn't give it away.
The look so cute together. Although, Between her OAKLAND!! background and his quick and heavy hands these tho would be the most Gangsta couple out there. As someone from Keishia's hometown of THE BAY would say, THEY GO HARD!!
This video features Zoe Kravitz, for those who cant put two and two together she's Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet's daughter. She did a really good job in the video. If you pay attention to the lyrics, the video will make sense. Its not one of those booty bouncing videos...Thank god! I love that shes not naked or shaking her a** like most rap videos. That's what is so legit about Jay Z, hes on a different level.He takes hip hop and makes it art, this video is a perfect example.
My favorite couple, Chris Brown and Rhianna were seen at the Kingston Hilton Hotel in Jamaica. They have just been living it up these past few months. Hotel staff released these comments:
“They were smooching in the pool and were really lovely dovey. They were playfully making out and he was kissing her on the neck.”
“They were floating together with him carrying her and she kept saying, ‘Don’t get my hair wet.’ She was very soft and feminine but he was a big kid and splashing around.”
"They were hanging out with friends and at about 3 p.m., Chris, 18, jumped into the water and waited while Rihanna went to her room and changed into a bikini."
The two have even gotten matching star tattoo's!! ( now that's love!)
Their Jamaica trip wasn't just to lounge around cup caking but for the Annual Bob Marley Festival WOW! Bustin out are we?( go chris!)
Ouch. Not so much of a good look for Beyonce. I dont think the blonde is her look. Just days ago she was brunette in Milan and now shes Blonde in America, talk about living the American Dream.
If that title didn't get your attention I don't know what did.It was such a beautiful day why not spend it at the beach, with no top on? It amazes me how celebs think that just because their "normal people" that they can do normal people things. Well for starters, normal people don't sell millions of albums, tour the world and go to the beach wearing Manolo Blanik's, so I'm my opinion Mariah's not really normal, so she cant always do normal things. Going to Trader Joe's or Fred Segal is one thing but exhibition is another.
Qunicy Jones showed up with confidence and beauty at sunday nights 80th Annual Academy Awards. No words on her name or age, but thats not important, the important thing is that it looks like he's gettin some!
Now thats just faul. It has surfaced that rapper Webbie faked his sezuire to get out of perfroming. He was sceduled to perfom at two places on the same night. But he didnt get away so easy, he is now being seued for 1 Million because of his lil act. He had a contract with both venues and since he was a no show and did teh whoel sezuire thing..they want their money back..and some interest.
Hollywood's biggest night was last night and now today what better to do than to pick and stab at the dresses the winners losers and all that were to minute to remember.
One for the ladies, Djimon Hounsou seen here blasting his 1,000,000 million dollar smile. His has everything to smile about. Nowadays he spends his free time with his new boo Kimora Lee living in the fab lane, when over a decade ago he was walking in the homeless lane. Like I said, he has everything to smile about.
Newly outed prego Jessica Alba went for a deep plum last night. She seemed calm and sedated which is a difference from what close sources say. A costume designer comments on Jessica's unstable behavior with her unknown beau. She supposedly is a loose cannon and has been sending her man on a wild ride; doing things like kicking him out of the house and blaming it on her "hormones", OK?
But Back to her dress, the intimate color of the Marchesa Gown totally dissolved any bumps or weight growth that might have occurred during her pregnancy. Her skin looked fresh and radiant which could be the pregnancy too or left over products from her Nutrogena commercials. She took the feathers and went "Las Vegas" with them" soft and sexy not structured and stationary.
WOULD YOU?COMMENT YES OR NO Cameron Diaz has been and will always be the white birl that all men would...seek relations with. Its something about her spunky "all American attitude" and her white smile and "adorable" rear that makes men melt, or squirt for that matter.
Anyway, Her choice in dress was good. Soft pink makes her look angelic and fair which she wears well. Cali girl ponytail with flipped bangs makes the dress edgy chic and adds another flair. Her cat like blue eyes pierce through the camera and strikes love in the hearts of all. Each element blended well and served you a job well done.This Dior dress is a perfect choice right now, it was refreshing and happy, always a good sight to see on the red carpet.
Sean "Diddy, Puffy, Puff Daddy" Combs showed up in what else?, his own line. I dont blame you black man! "Rep yo Sh**" as his colleagues would say.He did however, mix in a little D&G that changed the casual tux into modern casual.
I don't know if the white was such a good idea. With someone her size( no offense..i love you girl)its hard to put shocking loud colors like white on them because it exploits the figure not complement it It brought your attention to the deodorant stains underneath her arms, tisk tisk J.Hud. I wonder if she thinks since she won last year she can just coast through as "Jenifer Hudson, the American Idol cast off turned Dreamgirl who won her first Oscar on her first movie". I mean, I'm totally still buying it so why not?
The snake like design on the frame and straps of the dress did make it worth while. It made you stare at the dress and pay attention.
I don't know what Wesley was thinking about. He looks like a character from a Spike Lee Joint..and speaking of Spike Lee, but ya know, you cant judge artist because..their different: in a brilliant misunderstood kind of way, not weird outcast kind of way.But these threads are just weird.
Congrats Forest, on last years Oscar for Best Actor, in a leading Role and on your wife shes gorgeous.Heres another pic for the guys: